Booking Your Appointment
Looking to book just a haircut? (Generally this would be for men or women with very short hair who don't blow dry style. If your hair is past your ears, this option isn't for you)
Using the appointment request feature below and book the service called "New Guest Haircut"
Looking to book shampoo, cut, and style?
Using the appointment request feature below and book the service called "Works" (Short, Medium, Long)
Looking to book a base color touch up to cover grey, a haircut and a blow dry style?
Using the appointment request feature below and book the service called "New Guest Root Touch Up and Blow Dry'
Looking to book a base color touch up grey, with hi-lights, a haircut, and blow dry style?
Using the appointment request feature below and book the service called New Guest Root Touch Up, Hi-light, and Blow Dry Style"
Looking to book hi-lights, a haircut, and blow dry style?
Using the appointment request feature below and book the service called "New Guest Hi-lights and Blow Dry Style"
Looking to book vivid colors, overall color change, or color correction?
Using the appointment request feature below and book the service called "New Guest Consultation Only" For all services listed a consultation is required prior to securing appointment space.
Click here to see my service menu & pricing